Needless to say, I have spent the past years making sure I not only wrote down the recipes I love and use often, but also making sure the girls could follow those recipes. But some reason, I recently had a mommy panic moment – had I actually taught my girls how to plan meals from start to finish? Could they budget, shop AND cook for a week for a family?

Did you grow up cooking? I did not. Don’t get me wrong, my mom cooked a lot – I just did not spend a lot of time in the kitchen helping her. That was during a time when I was heavily involved with dancing and was happy to just come home and be served a good meal. Sad, but true.

One of my most fond memories of preparing to get married was my mom and me sitting around the kitchen table trying to write down all of her recipes so I could feed my then husband-to-be. The problem was she never used a recipe so we spent a lot of time laughing at her directions of “a handful,” “just a little,” and “you will just know.”

Needless to say, I have spent the past years making sure I not only wrote down the recipes I love and use often, but also making sure the girls could follow those recipes. (The boys aren’t quite ready) Luckily, my girls cook. One enjoys baking and one prefers cooking meals, so it works out quite nicely when they are both home.

But some reason, I recently had a mommy panic moment – had I actually taught my girls how to plan meals from start to finish? Could they budget, shop AND cook for a week for a family?

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