About a month ago I sat down with a group of my homeschool mom friends to discuss hospitality. It’s one topic that we all agreed is important to do not only for other but to teach our children. However, implementing this desired task is quite another thing all together!

I enjoy being a hostess, but, it’s something that I really have to try at and in turn teach my children. I posed two specific questions: “How do you become more hospitable when you weren’t raised that way, and, how do you host people when your house is small and parking is limited.”

Turns out I wasn’t alone in my questioning. Their answers were eye opening and encouraging.

It seems that half of my friends would rather wait until their house is cleaned up spic and span before inviting people over. But the other half of my friends were willing to let others see “real life” and don’t mind people seeing their home as is. Their reasoning is that you’re there to see them and not their stuff.

I heard some pretty interesting thoughts in regards to having a small place, common to one income families, and not enough parking spaces. Ideas included having people car pool together to cut down on the need for parking spots, buying some pretty floor pillows to accommodate not enough couch and chair seating, entertaining outside on pleasant days or even hosting a bonfire if your property allows for it.

For meals, having a jar of applesauce on hand to pop open to stretch a meal or extra rolls in the freezer if unexpected company shows up, frozen lemonade on hand to thaw on the spur of the moment, and easy meals prepared in advanced and frozen to accommodate hungry visitors.

But most of all besides the obvious clean and prep it’s important to make our guests feel welcome. This is a great way to teach our children how to warmly greet guests and make them feel like our home is theirs for a few hours. They can help hang coats, put purses up, offer drinks and assist with any special needs the guests may have. Teaching listening and compassion skills to visitors first hand!

And also remembering that the whole idea behind hospitality is to enjoy one another company and to show the love of Christ. This is something the world definitely needs more of and one that we can influence by teaching these things to our children even if we did not learn them in our own homes growing up.


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