Today I reflect back on when my youngest was a toddler. He was a hurricane of activity during our homeschool day. It was everything I could do just to ensure his safety while working with the olders. During that time, I remembered a friend of mine and what she went through with her youngest and how she encouraged me along the way.

When life goes topsy turvy and my toddler is a non-stop blur of never ending, destructive exploration, noise and perpetual motion – I remember my friend, Andrea.

Andrea is STILL alive!

When our days are constantly interrupted by the demands of one little person – I remember Andrea.

Andrea is STILL alive!

When I think my toddler will never quiet down enabling me to perform spelling tests uninterrupted – I remember Andrea.

Andrea is STILL alive!

Years ago, Andrea walked this same path, survived it and can laugh about it – now.

Talking to Andrea is like a breath of fresh air. A lifeline!

The day she told me she considered putting one of her challenging toddlers into daycare for a few hours a week, I felt such a sense of relief to know I wasn’t alone!!

It turns out that God didn’t answer Andrea’s prayer through daycare. But, day by day and step by step God met her needs in this difficult season.

It has encouraged me to no end that she shared this struggle and the victory with me. I can see the fruit of her walk with the Lord. Four growing, well behaved, pleasant children!

Andrea survived the challenging toddler years while schooling older children. Today she speaks in coherent sentences, dresses neatly and volunteers for ministry.

These are things I can look forward to as well!

It is my prayer for each of you in whatever difficult season you are in to have an Andrea to come alongside and encourage you!

It is also my prayer for each of you to be an Andrea to those in need. You many never know how those rough spots that God brings you through can be a lifeline to those struggling!

“Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.” Philemon 1:7