It’s the middle of summer and maybe you are like me: no vacation plans in sight. Everyone else is heading to the beach, or off to visit family, or going to a fun-filled amusement park or road-tripping with the family. But you are “stuck” at home.

Mmmm. . .

Let’s rethink that.

Are we really stuck at home? Or should home be considered a blessed place? Our homes and the people in them are our dearest treasures. Perhaps we have been bombarded by a culture that tells us we need vacations, and that without them, we’re missing out. Seriously, consider the men and women of old. . .was a vacation a must every, single year? If there were vacations, were they lavish? Extensive? Sometimes, we just have to reset our minds and rethink all of the influences thrown our way.

So, rather than think of a summer without vacation plans as a bad thing, enjoy the precious treasures you’ve been given. Not only are there the people within your home and your home itself, there are also beauties to behold in the area around you. Plan for some fun at home and around home with your children and family during the summer time, and enjoy the slower, open-schedule days.

Maybe you just take the time to do some projects together like make homemade summer treats: popsicles, lemonade or smoothies. Switch things up and have breakfast for dinner. Learn to sew an outfit or build a shelf together. Venture out into your city or town and visit a place you’ve not visited before: a park, a lake, a trail, a museum or library, an observatory or a botanical garden. Read good, good books and have fun with them: sketch the characters, make a recipe from what you’ve read. Go stargazing at night, roast marshmallows, stay up a little later and watch a fun movie.

And in the midst of the fun, embrace the daily rhythms, like rising together in the mornings, digging into God’s Word, tap times and cleaning routines—those things that are necessary to keep us grounded. Don’t feel bad if you’re not on an Instagram-worthy vacation this summer, or any other. Embrace the summer at home.