I think sometimes we homeschool families are reluctant to tell the outside world that homeschooling isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. That every project isn’t Pinterest-worthy. That sometimes we have to turn to Google to jog our memory on what exactly the Pythagorean Theory is and how you use it to figure out the length of that stupid triangle’s side.

That reluctance isn’t without reason. We have enough voices crying out against homeschooling, so sometimes we feel the need to circle the wagons and present the good side – you know as opposed to the horses’ rear-ends.

The only problem with sharing only the good days, though, is that homeschooling parents who are in the trenches start to feel alone. They start to feel like they’re the only ones who ever have bad days. They feel like maybe it’s not going to get better. They feel like they’re the only ones with doubts. They feel alone and defeated.

Thankfully, the good days far outnumber the bad and the really bad days are few and far between, but here’s the truth about some days:

Read the Full Article on Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers