I don’t know about you, but my kids like to eat. A lot. I call them “grazers”. They eat three big meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) but stay hungry in between. I like to have healthy options. They also like things other than sandwiches for lunch sometimes. Sandwiches are what I usually make, but they like to mix it up every now and then.

Here is a list of a few of our favorites of each category.

Quick Lunches:

  • Sandwiches- PB&J (we like apple jelly or blackberry jam), PB and marshmallow fluff (this is a rare food but one that my kids enjoy), lunch meat and cheese.
  • Tortilla roll-ups- I make pizza roll-ups (cheese and pepperonis), lunch meat and cheese, and egg and cheese. This is a big winner in my house.
  • Homemade lunchables- We rarely buy those prepackaged lunchables from the store so I keep the ingredients on-hand to make our own. They consist of cheese chunks, lunch meat, crackers or pita chips, applesauce, fruit, and yogurt.

Go-To Snacks:

  • Mandarin oranges or clementines
  • Vanilla yogurt
  • Applesauce
  • Fruit (apples, bananas, dried fruit)
  • Trail mix (nuts, seeds, dried fruit)
  • Protein bars
  • Pepperonis or salami
  • Cheese sticks or chunks
  • PB pretzels (pretzel nuggets filled with PB)
  • PB crackers
  • Veggie straws

We don’t eat the healthiest but I do try to make sure they get enough good stuff in their bodies. With three growing boys, I have to keep my pantry and fridge full. I can only imagine what it will be like when they are all teenagers. Yikes!