I believe that a lot of the times we as parents are Crisis parenting. Crisis parenting is much like the business term “Crisis Management”. Crisis Management has the manager dealing with one crisis after the next, no forward planning, no strategies, no direction but plenty of action but all happening because of one crisis happening after another. This is how we parent too. Crisis parenting is dealing with one negative behaviour after the next, no forward planning, no strategies, no direction but plenty of action but all happening because of one negative behaviour happening after another.

As parents we so want to do the best job. We have read books, done parenting courses, discussed with friends and family, we have all this information — information to help us raise morally mature children and yet we leave it till there is a problem before we work on any training. This is crisis parenting.

For example – my child is not sitting still at church so I will do some training on blanket time, cot time, room time, then I hope my child will sit still during church. I am in a crisis and I use my tools to get out of it. How much easier my life would have been if I had been consistent in applying those principles from early on with a regular time of sitting still at home. I would have been ahead of the game — he would have been used to sitting still for a period of time. I would have had less battles to fight come sitting in Church.

I believe an answer to Crisis parenting is Proactive parenting.

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