It’s a headache out of nowhere, a slight tickle in the back of your throat, or a tumbly stomach.  You know what it is; your immune system is revved up to drive off the latest bug circulating through your household.  Since mom doesn’t get sick days, you’ve got to do everything you can to stay healthy to keep your home running!

Doing preventative measures is so important, especially for mom!  Here are some of my tips to stay healthy that are beneficial for you and your household!

Take care of yourself spiritually!  It’s the cornerstone of all health!  Make sure you start your days with Jesus!  He loves us and wants to meet with us daily!  So begin your day with your heart firmly planted in Him, and He will help strengthen your physical body.

Don’t forgo physical contact.  Hug long and often!  Hugs are essential to well-being and an inexpensive way to connect with loved ones.  Just make sure to use precautions if you or the object of the hug is contagious!

To avoid draining you emotionally, deal with unresolved stress promptly.  Unresolved tension depletes your immune system.  If possible, go directly to the source of the stress for reconciliation.  If not, take it before the Lord in prayer.

Sleep is a necessity!  Please don’t skimp on it!  Did you know that every hour of sleep you get before midnight counts for two?  Aim to have lights out by 10:00 p.m.  If you’re in a season of disturbed sleep, don’t forgo daily naps!

When grocery shopping, peruse the perimeter of the grocery store.  This is because the majority of unprocessed food is found in this area.  Your body craves natural, whole foods!  Therefore, avoid boxed, processed “food” as much as possible.  As a bonus, buy locally grown produce.

Water, water, water!  Forgo sugar-laden soda and unhealthy, fancy coffee drinks.  Water helps flush out our system, keeps our cells hydrated, and is absolutely the best fluid to drink!

Move your body daily!  You don’t have to go to the gym or be a bodybuilder.  Instead, aim for at least 20 minutes of exercise in some form every day.  For example, walking or purposeful stretching are great ways to get your blood pumping and healthily raise your heart rate.

Vitamin D is essential to immune system health!  Since we cannot store this vitamin, daily exposure is vital!  So, soak in some rays!  Get outdoors for some Vitamin D and relax in nature too!

Moms, you are an essential worker!  What are some of the ways you stay healthy?