So, you really want to read God’s Word every day but aren’t sure where to start. To begin, we must change our thinking.

Reject the idea that you are too busy or don’t have time.

We know that reading God’s Word is God’s will for us. The Scriptures teach us:

“It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”

Matthew 4:4


Your word I have hidden in my heart,

That I might not sin against You.

Psalm 119:11


All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

And since reading His Word is God’s will for us, then we must see to it. A popular quote by Elisabeth Elliot says, “There is always time to do the will of God. If we are too busy to do that, we are too busy.” Bit by bit throughout the day, we can create the habit, right in the midst of what we’re doing.

Here’s how…

Keep a Bible open all day.

When something is accessible, we tend to use it more often. I remember my Granny always having her Bible open at the dining room table or on the shelf near her seat at the table, ready to use. I remember her facial expression as she would look up at me to answer a question or tell me something. I remember how she would turn the worn pages back and forth. I remember seeing the pages of her Bible marked by her hand-written notes and underlined passages. She diligently studied God’s Word.


So, I’ve learned over the years to just keep my Bible open–on the kitchen counter, on the dining room table, in the school room, etc.–just keep it open to whatever passage I’m reading. For me, the kitchen counter or dining room table are my go-to places for having the Word available all day. These places tend to be the hub of my home anyway, which makes God’s Word easy to read while I’m waiting for something to bake or cook, or for a few minutes at the end of a meal.

Align Bible reading with something you already do.

What is the first thing you can think of that must be done daily? Eating! And that is the perfect time to read God’s Word, which kind of coincides with Matthew 4:4 above, doesn’t it? Read while you eat, and since most of us are eating as a family, read together!

We read our Bibles toward the end of breakfast time each day as the unofficial start to our homeschool day. We’ve invested to make sure each child who is able to read has their own Bible. (For my non-readers, we use a good picture Bible.) We make sure everyone is reading from the same translation and we dig in together. (Note: Never underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit to speak to and influence your children as you read through meaty passages. No need to skip them or alter them. God’s Word is for children, too. He will increase their understanding, just as He does yours!)

Another thing we all do each day is to use the bathroom, yes? And, how many of us moms, if we’re honest, have gone to the bathroom simply for a few minutes alone, or for quiet and refreshing? Well, while you’re in there, get some time in the Word. . .which means the bathroom is another place where you can just leave the Bible open. See how this works?

What should I read?

Before I give my opinion to this question, remember what the Scriptures teach us in 2 Timothy 2:16-17:

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

So, there is no wrong answer. All of God’s Word is good to read.

What I’ve been doing lately is to read all the way through books of the Bible that I’m not familiar with or am trying to gain a more thorough understanding of. I will read just a few verses each day, generally using the headers that are available in most Bibles these days as starting and stopping points. If what I read at one point is something I need a deeper understanding of, I will read it again the next time. I also will take the time to look up other verses that may coincide with the passage for greater understanding before continuing on.

I have read through Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, John, and Hebrews using this method. I am currently reading the book of Isaiah on my own, bit by bit. And, the children and I read through the book of John over the summer and fall. This has been so helpful in increasing my understanding, allowing me to soak up God’s Word and not be overwhelmed.

Other places to begin reading may be:

  • Start with Genesis and move forward.
  • Read Proverbs or Psalms or begin with one of the Gospels.
  • Read something you never read like the minor prophets, the book of Jude or Revelation.
  • Above all, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and He will.

Memorize Scripture

This is another one that is easily family friendly. I choose Scriptures that are essential to our faith and doctrine as believers for us to learn as a family. We work on memorizing these verses at breakfast as well, just working on one verse until we know it before moving on to the next. Some mom’s post Scripture verses up throughout the house to see what they are memorizing regularly: on the fridge, in pretty font on the wall, posted on the bathroom mirror, sticky notes, etc. It will surprise you just how much you are able to retain!

I hope you are encouraged more than ever to read God’s Word regularly. You’d be surprised at how much the Word will resonate with your spirit as you fill it up with what God wants for you. Never underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit as He goes about making God’s Word alive in your heart!

Your word is a lamp to my feet

And a light to my path.

-Psalm 119:105

How do you incorporate reading God’s Word into your daily rhythm?