You watch over the affairs of your household, you make sure everyone gets what they need to stay healthy and happy. When someone gets sick, you’re right there on the front lines. But who takes care of you?

In most cases, mom is the only one watching out for her own wellbeing. So, it stands to reason you need to find ways to take care of your physical, spiritual and emotional wellbeing!


Taking care of yourself physically.

There are many facets to self-care. Taking care of your physical body comes first. There are many trains of thought on what to eat, how to eat and when to eat. I think we all can agree that eating at regular intervals in order to stabilize blood sugars is important to insure health and happiness (both yours and those around you). No one likes to be “hangry” or on the receiving end of “hanger” pains!

Also, how is your plate looking? Are you filling it with most living foods? Lots of fruits and vegetables and simple proteins? Or does it look like something out of bakery window? While sweets may lift your spirts temporarily, it’s only temporary! Plus you aren’t helping your immune system or your waistline by consuming too many sweets and chips.

I understand the business of motherhood + homeschooling. You don’t have to cook a gourmet meal to get health benefits of healthy food! Grabbing a simple apple and a small handful of almonds or walnuts will do you so much better than a bag of chips and a soda! Make wise choices when you can!!

How about sleep? Are you getting enough? If you have young children, the answer is probably no. Do yourself a favor and nap when they do. Even 20 minutes will help recharge your batteries! If your children are older, resist the temptation to consistently stay up into the wee hours to enjoy the peace and quiet. Over time, sleep deprivation wears on the body and can trigger migraines, high blood sugars and over eating and not to mention over caffeination and crabbiness!

Exercise. Yes, you need to move! I understand that finding time can be a challenge! How about doing 1 or 2 10-minute walks a day? You’ll get your blood pumping AND receive the benefit of fresh air and sunshine. What about 15 minutes of doing light weights? Weight lifting has a positive effect on bone-mass. The good news is that you don’t need 300-pound weights! Start with what you have and look for exercise videos to accompany you off of Youtube. When I first started weight lifting, I modified free exercise videos to meet my limitations AND used soup cans instead of hand weights! You have to start somewhere!

Have a strange lump, bump or creak? As much as we moms want to avoid the doctor, there are times where we must have a strange lump, discoloration, prolonged cough, persistent headache, etc. checked out by a medical professional. No one likes the thought of a severe illness but many times if caught early on, can be successfully dealt with. Mom, you’re important! Don’t put this off!


Moms, many times you are your own advocate. As much as you give to your family, don’t neglect yourself!


What are some of the ways you practice self-care and take care of yourself physically?