It starts with a sneeze.  A tickle in the back of the throat.  A feeling of lightheartedness.  Headache.  Nausea.  Oh no!  You strive to make sure your kids share.  But, of the things you wish they wouldn’t share, they’ve given you the biggest one you don’t want!  Their germies!  So it’s off to bed for you while you rest and recuperate.  Oh wait, you’re mom and you don’t get sick days.  You’ve got to be up, on your toes, and maintaining your household.

Sound familiar?  I thought so!  Since we are entering “that time of the year”, I’d like to share some of my favorite tips for staying healthy so you don’t have to partake in the sharing of germies this year!

Start your days with Jesus!  He loves us and wants to meet us in whatever shape we are in!  Beginning your day with your feet firmly planted in Him will help your physical body deal with stress.  And, less stress means better health.

Hug often!  Hugs are an inexpensive way to connect with loved ones.  Just make sure you are using proper precautions if the object of your hug is also contagious!

Deal with unresolved stress quickly and as thoroughly as possible.    This will drain your emotional state which will affect your immune system!   Do your best to go directly to the source for reconciliation.  If this isn’t possible, take it before the Lord.

Don’t skimp on sleep!  Aim for lights out by 10 pm. Did you know that every hour of sleep you get before midnight counts for two? Napping as necessary also counts!

Eat natural, whole foods!  Make it your goal to shop the perimeter of the grocery store where the majority of the unprocessed food is kept.  Avoid boxed “food” as much as possible.  Buy locally grown produce.

Forgo the soda and fancy coffee drinks!  Drink water!  Water helps flush out our system, hydrates our cells, and is the best fluid to drink!

Move!  Get at least 20 minutes of some form of exercise that you enjoy daily.  Walking, and purposeful stretching are some great ways to get your blood circulating and raise your heart rate in a healthy way.

Soak in some rays!  Vitamin D is an immune booster that comes naturally from the sun. Get outdoors and enjoy some!

These are some of my tried and true methods for maintaining my health that I often sharing with other moms.  What are some of the ways you stay healthy?