No, this is not a promotional post for medical transcription or some sort of pyramid scheme. It actually is possible to make money online, even with the demands of homeschooling. First, I will share with you my story of how I make a little extra cash on the side, then I will give you a list of possible ways you can make money online without worrying about getting caught up in a scam.

The first question you need to ask yourself is this. Do I need to work or do I just want some extra spending money? The answer to this question determines what kind of time and energy you will end of devoting to a part-time job. Yes, I said part-time job because even though it is online, it doesn’t make it any less of a job than someone who works outside the home. You still need to be sure you have time you can devote to it, even if it is not during typical business hours. If you have a newborn or many evening commitments in addition to homeschooling, then this might not be the season for you. The conclusion I came to in my life was that yes, I do have some free time even though I homeschool five young children. But, I do not have enough time to work online full time. You see, opportunities have grown tremendously over the years for me that if I wanted to I could work online full time. It’s just I have decided that I do not have enough hours in the day to both homeschool and work full time even though the money would be nice. I know other moms do it but I know my limit and I don’t want to reach my breaking point!

The way that I realized that I had extra time to dedicate to online work was when I had three young children, all needing naps at some point in the day. I found myself home during the day most of the time and when I had a free minute to myself the last thing I wanted to do was work on chores. I wanted to rest, to relax. So I did, by hitting up Facebook. Of course this would lead to clicking this link and that link and before I knew it I would be spending hours a day online and nothing to show for it. At this point, I asked myself, “ if others are making money or receiving free products to review online, why can’t I?” Then I realized, that I could. I determined at that point, to spend less time on social media for personal reasons and more time towards learning how to create and grow a blog. So that is what I did. When I had a few minutes here or there I would watch videos or partake in free courses to learn how to blog. First, I had to brainstorm themes and ideas for my blog. I started out with a money-saving blog until I realized that I was more passionate about writing about my homeschooling experiences. Once I started my homeschooling blog, people would thank me for the encouraging posts or for my reviews of certain products because they were at a turning point in their homeschooling journey and what I wrote helped them along the way. From that moment on, I was hooked. Now, the blog itself never did make me tons of money but it was what has opened the door for opportunities that do. Additionally, I have received thousands of dollars worth of curriculum, products and services (such as water parks, zoos, museums etc). This, to me, is money in the bank because these are all things I never would have had the extra money to spend on otherwise. Aside from these awesome perks, I have made some real money too. With this money I am able to pay for homeschool curriculum, go to homeschool conventions and pay from items that help me with my work such as a computer and DSLR camera. So what do I do? Well, I write. I blog to encourage and inform and I freelance for the extra cash. After blogging consistently for about three years, I was approached by a company to write for them. Then, I searched online for companies that I was interested in possibly writing for and found their upcoming themes list. I receive some rejection letters, but once I saw my work in print, in an actual magazine, I was hooked. Also, within that first week after my first article was published, I was contacted by two other companies asked to write an article for them for a topic that they wanted to be explored.

That is my story. What will yours be? You see, so many times when stay-at-home parents are looking for an online job they are swept away by scams and gimmicks. This does not have to be the case. Think of yourself as your own boss. Own who you are and what you are good at. Then, use the Internet as a platform. Remember, that is all that the Internet is anyways, a platform. It is a place for you to showcase your talent, skill, or gift. In and of itself it can do nothing for you. What you put into it is what  you can potentially get out of it. Me? I like to write. I always have. I have been a journaler since I was in third grade. I took courses in college that did not have final exams but required a twenty page paper. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. Which is why I decided to use this skill to make a little money. What skills do you have? Start using those skills to make a little cash! If you can’t think of anything off the top of your head, try these!

Resell Thrift Store Items on eBay

Start A Devotional Vlog On YouTube (make money through both YouTube       and Patreon)

Tutor Through Video Chat

Teach English Via Video Chat

Sell Photos To Stock Photo Websites

Create Curriculum For Teachers Pay Teachers Website

Be An Editor For A Reliable Mystery Shopping Company

(ex. See Level Shoppers and A Closer Look)

Sell Your Handmade Goods On Etsy

Sell Used Homeschooling Items on Craigslist or eBay