Of the many gifts God has given, the gift of hearing is my favorite!  I love the sound of birds chirping, worship music, and children’s laughter.  But even favorite things can get to be too much. Sometimes it’s as easy as closing a door or a window.  Maybe even a word asking for the children to keep it down.  But sometimes, there’s no escaping the noise or the noisemakers.

Continual noise is not healthy for the human body.  It is a stressor that depletes the immune system.  But how do you get a slice of peace and quiet when life is happening loudly and exhaustively around you?

During some stages of life, it’s a little more work to find that slice of quiet during the day. Staying up late to get it isn’t healthy. Getting up extra early generally results in being joined by the pit pattern of little curious feet who also get up to “share” the quiet too.

If you are like me, you love the sounds of life and your little noisemakers.  But, there are times we just need and crave quiet!  Our children also need to have quiet to learn and learn to enjoy the quiet!  (One day they will be parents and will come to fully appreciate the gift of quiet!).

To find this quiet, first search the word!  The Bible says in Zephaniah 3:17, “The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.”

Not only does God want to save us, but, he wants to give us quiet!  He makes provision to quiet us when we go to Him.  There’s no doubt that He can quiet the storm around us.

While we can’t always stop the noise, God is good to give us inner quiet in the midst of busyness!

When we seek Him, He is faithful to meet us where we are at.  Even if it’s in the midst of noise!

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