Seasons of life ebb and flow, don’t they? Sometimes things are pretty easy-going, life’s pace is slow and simple.  Other times, things are complicated and with so much to do, and I feel like the Good Times theme song: “Keepin’ your head above water, makin’ a way when you can…scratchin’ and survivin’. . .”

I am definitely in the midst of a very full schedule for sure. But, here’s what I’m learning: busy and flustered do not have to go hand-in-hand. I can have a lot to do, but still have a sense of calm and peace in my home.

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden,

and I will give you rest.

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,

for I am gentle and lowly in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls.

For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

I know in this Scripture, Jesus is referring to the extra rules and “burdens” the Pharisees placed upon the people, but it has it’s application in home life, too. We place extra demands on ourselves that are SUPER unnecessary and are wondering why we are stressed and struggling. Here are five practical things I am learning to do that make a HUGE difference when I’m consistent.

1) Begin with what Jesus said. . . learn from Him. Really spend time learning who He is and about His Word. STUDY it for yourself!!

I know that all the mom blogs out there tell you to “get your quiet, morning time in with the Lord each day” and I have probably echoed the same thing at some point. But what does that look like? Do I have to join a mom’s group and email each other what the Bible verses mean to me? Maybe. Do I have to read the latest devotional with all the pretty journal pages to match? I might. Do I have to color code my Scripture reading with special markers and doodle art in the margins of my Bible? Could be.

Although these things can be a great starting place to meet with God daily, what I’ve found is that these things can also be a distraction. While I’m emailing, I’m tempted to check social media. Or, I’m too busy making sure my highlighting colors are right and I am trying to keep up with what the rest of the group is doing, and in the end, I end up missing sweet communion with God.

I’ve had to put those things aside to really read and study, eat and drink in, the Word of God and His Word alone. I’ve been reading one or two Bible books at a time, line by line, verse by verse and cross-referencing with other Scripture for understanding. I started with Deuteronomy and Hebrews, and am currently reading the book of Exodus. I’m reading at a pace that is guided by the Holy Spirit, rather than trying to cram things into a 8-week study session.  Instead I read and study a bit each day, sometimes re-reading what I read before, other times copying out passages of Scripture to remember. Sometimes it’s 30 minutes spent, sometimes it’s just 10, but daily, consistent reading is what I do. God’s Word strengthens, reveals, brings clarity, sets the record straight and on and on. It is a must.

2) Put on some music and be selective about it.

Every genre has a little bit of what feels like junk to the soul, just noise clogging up the mind. Gospel music is my favorite, but not everything labeled Gospel music is truly edifying. So be selective.This is the way I get my family in a good head space and ready to roll for the day. We’ve been listening to Fred Hammond’s music (here, here, and here) during chores, celebrations and such. It’s mostly upbeat, makes all of us feel like singing and is God-honoring. On really busy days, we listen to tried and true hymns of the faith to keep us calm and focused. The whole point is it is my job to create an atmosphere in the home that sets a soothing, joyful tone.

3) Go to sleep!

This one is a struggle for me because I am a night owl by nature and when things are busy, I have a tendency to burn the midnight oil way too much. But, the truth is, no one ever thrives on a lack of sleep. I usually get myself into trouble trying to look up one more thing online or check over one more essay. But the truth is, I just need to go to bed at a good and proper time to be refreshed and ready to serve my family the next day.

4) Keep my priorities in check, for real!

What’s on my list may not look like what’s on yours, but some seasons are seasons of saying “no” to whatever isn’t on the list. . . no to the extra projects, no to the new book your best friend is reading, no to the fun Instagram challenge, no to checking emails and messages, no to endless scrolling and clicking, no to outside activities, no to taking on one more church group. I have to set boundaries for myself and keep the main thing the main thing, one day at a time. That often means I will have to sacrifice doing things that I really enjoy or am really interested in, but I remind myself that it’s only a season and that my family needs me more than my interests do.

5) Keep free space free.

When I am in the midst of all my to-do lists, and realize I don’t have to be somewhere or do something, I stop to embrace it. Instead of filling that free time with more things to do, I pause and drink in the beauty of life around me, even if it’s only for 30 minutes. I play games with the kids, catch a show with my husband, read a few chapters of a good book, do my nails or whatever is relaxing, an intentional pause. This one is harder for me to do because there is always something else that can be done around the house.

But, I think it is key to remember that freedom and rest are gifts from our loving Father. He gave us a pattern, from the dawn of Creation, of working for 6 days and resting the 7th. It is the world that teaches us to work, work, work, work, work, CRASH, repeat–day in and day out. No, thank you. So, keeping the 7th day free and as restful as possible is another thing that has been such a blessing to my mindset and to my family over all.

I haven’t mastered all of these ideas yet, but when I’m consistent with them, they are a great blessing to my home and family life. What do you do to keep calm in the midst of busy seasons?