I have loved to read every since I was a little girl. In high school I chose to take extra courses that required a ton of reading. I just couldn’t be without a book. Fast forward…many years, and I still have that same desire to read every single day. But, my tastes have changed and evolved. I like really good books now. I used to read complete garbage (nothing trashy, just not good). After years of fine tuning my reading interests, I know what I like now.

I want my children to have that same love for reading. One way I have gotten them to read more is by seeing me read every day. I have stacks of books all over the house. I have two or three always in rotation on my bed stand. I have a basket of books in my reading corner in my living room. My desk keeps a reading pile on the end of it. I don’t just use these books for decoration though. I read them all. I like to be reading a few books at a time. Some books I keep out for reference at all times.

My boys love to bring books to me and snuggle up to read together. When they are very little, I read and they listen. As they develop their reading skills, I have them read certain words on each page. When they are good readers, I have them read and page and then I read a page. Lastly, I have them read entire books to me and I help only when needed. Seeing me read daily has given them a desire to have books around them as well.

Another thing I have done to develop their fondness for reading is to read aloud to them every single day. I don’t just read picture books though. We read entire series of books. We started years ago with The Trumpet of the Swan and went on to the entire Chronicles of Narnia series (completed in one year). We recently found amazing books like The Penderwicks and The Green Ember. My oldest son is completely obsessed with dragon books so he has been devouring Dragon Masters books (he is on book three since the beginning of the summer). Reading aloud uses a different part of the brain. It is our absolute favorite part of the day.

One other thing I did several summers ago was to enroll my boys in our local library’s summer reading program. I didn’t know what to expect at first but it really got my boys excited about reading. I don’t reward my children for learning a new skill but the rewards from the reading program really motivated them to read more. They received free ice cream cones, bags of candy, free books, and much more. We have enrolled in the program ever since and each summer they read more and more. This has been the best summer yet with my two oldest boys reading actual chapter books by themselves. It has surprised me in so many wonderful ways.

Reading can bring so much more life to someone’s imagination. There are whole worlds out there to be discovered. I want my children to be creative and love really good books. So far, they have surpassed my expectations by choosing books like Fablehaven and Chronicles of Narnia as their favorites. I can’t wait to see what other amazing books they choose for themselves as they mature and develop their own style for reading.