Moving a family of 5 is no small feat. We have moved many times, but this was, by far, the most stressful! Moving and homeschooling can be a tricky combination! How do you keep up with homeschooling when your stuff is in boxes and you’re spending so much time packing and unpacking? It’s definitely not easy, but having a plan makes a big difference! Here are some tips that have helped us through our moves!


Keep Important Resources Separate

It’s possible that you, like us, use a variety of curricula. When moving, though, it can be hard to keep up. I always choose our most important resources first and add them to my big “Homeschool Mom” bag. I make sure we have a little school supply box for each child that includes 3 pencils, a small box of crayons, scissors, a small box of markers, and an eraser. Mind you our children are all young (our oldest is 8), so with older children you may want to include things like a calculator and pens as well.

Once I have our primary curricula books and notebooks and the kids supply boxes, I evaluate how much room we have left, and from there I may add additional resources as room allows. I make sure to keep the bag separate from everything else so we have easy access and it doesn’t get mixed in with items getting packed! We then work with these resources and apps and online resources while we can’t access our full resources.


Take Advantage of Mobile Resources

There are so many great mobile resources that can be accessed on mobile devices. If you have a laptop (which I got fairly recently), it opens up a portable option for a wealth of online resources as well! It’s been a huge advantage!

Even with just a smart phone or tablet there is a wealth of resources available! Some websites even have a mobile or tablet friendly version. Mobile resources are particularly amazing during the packing and unpacking process because it allows the kids to learn independently while we work on the moving stuff!


Be Flexible

I love the flexibility of homeschooling, but sometimes we fall into such a set schedule I forget I have flexibility! It’s so important to stay flexible during a move. Set reasonable expectations. If you usually do 6-7 lessons per day it’s reasonable to say that dropping to 4-5 lessons may be more realistic – or less if needed.


Label Boxes Well

Labeling boxes well won’t only help to find your remaining homeschool resources, but it also simplifies the unpacking and organizing process so you can get back to your routine as quickly as possible!


Plan for one Month or More

I know you’re probably thinking it would never take a month to unpack! I said that once, too, and wasn’t prepared! Perhaps it’s because my husband and I both have physical disabilities, but I recommend planning for longer than you expect! Using the tips above can really make a difference!


Grace Goes a Long Way

In addition to being flexible, offer yourself (and your children) grace. With a move it’s almost inevitable there will be stress. Our kids have been arguing more than usual because they’re having a hard time adjusting, and I’m left feeling overwhelmed.

I admit there have been a couple of days where we didn’t do much of anything. I could beat myself up and feel even more stressed or I could accept that I’m human and doing the best I can during a stressful time. Grace goes a long way.



Above all else, don’t forget to seek God regularly. Moving can be hard. Trying to stay in routine can be hard. Tension can grow. Staying in God’s Word and praying can help make the transition easier and offers the peace that only God can give.

What are some tips that have helped you during the transition?


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Reposted with permission from Pea of Sweetness