“Homeschooling 4:17 by Michele Pleasants”
Yep, that was almost the title of my blog. It got my husband’s vote. It goes without saying, he got outvoted… but he does get points for being creative. (He gets points for lots of things actually, but that is definitely a blog for another day!) The 4 was for our four year old all the way to 17, our oldest at the time I began our blog! Fast forward 5 years and we still have a ways to go as my olders like to remind me.
Why do I homeschool?
Do you know how early school kids, and by default, their parents, get up!? Seriously folks! That is one of the main reasons I started homeschooling. I do not do alarms and early mornings well. (don’t judge me yet) My kiddos would have never gotten to school on time. The last words my poor first born heard from my lips every morning when trying to get her to preschool on time was, “Hurry up, we are going to be late!”. I cringed thinking those could be the last words she heard from me if the Lord chose to take me home on the drive back home.
Wow, fast forward to now, 19 years later.
Why do I still homeschool?
GOD! Nope, He did not audibly tell me, though I admit I waited for that voice many a tear stained, first few years! (did I mention that our first few years were challenging?) But here is what He did do:
- Put AMAZING moms in my life that encouraged me, mentored me and loved me through the learning process.
- Blessed me with children who really want to be home with their mom and are very forgiving when she messes up!
- Gave me the best principle in the world who supports his crazy wife 100%. And, who refused to come home when she called to tell him the kids were going to the worst public school she could find if he did not come home…NOW! (did I mention our first few years were challenging?!)
- Put in our path wonderfully written curriculum designed to make my job easy!
- Met me on my knees more than several time when I was discouraged, tired or or had that lonely, homeschool mom feeling, and assured me that He was the ultimate teacher. I am just along for the ride.
Is it always easy? Nope.
Always fun? Nope.
Always organized? Nope.
Always worth it? YOU BET!
We live together and school together. Learning as we go.
Do I think homeschooling is for everyone? Nope! But I do know that it is for my family! And I thank the Lord for the privilege to a part of that journey everyday! One has now graduated from college and one is in her second semester and thriving. I will accept that as a small sign of success.
Homeschool moms, enjoy your journey! It is a fast one!