Keeping the kids entertained when the weather begins to cool down can be quite challenging. This is usually about the time when I search for my hidden craft supplies.

The kids can never get enough of buttons, fabric, paint and random what-nots. At this point, I just let them loose with glue, pom poms, and glitter galore. Right around Christmas time though, I try to harness their energy by preparing crafts for them to make as Christmas gifts. Grandparents love this. Aunts and uncles can’t get enough! Here are some quick, easy and inexpensive ideas:

Cookie Jar


They now sell mason jars at the Dollar Tree. This is a great place to stock up if you don’t already have a pile at home. Once you have your jars, go ahead and pick up a few batches worth of ingredients of your favorite cookies, dry ingredients only! Grab a funnel and have your kids pour in ingredients layer by layer. Cut a piece of fabric into a square with crimping scissors and place under the lid. Finish off by tying on a gift card with the complete recipe!



I have a plethora of pine trees in my backyard. One year, I ventured out in the cold and cut down as many branches as I could before I froze my fingers off. I then warmed up in front of the wood stove while forming the branches into a wreath, adjoining the pieces together with thin crafting wire. I then decorated with ribbon and berries that the kids found growing on our bushes. Go on a nature walk with your kids and do the same! Or, if you are in a time crunch, buy an artificial wreath and go from there.



Go to your local fabric supply store, with kids in tow, and let your children pick out a fun design, (I make sure to find fabric at a decent price per yard and let them choose from that specific section only). Once the fabric has been chosen and cut, we pick up some Poly-Fil Fiber and head home. Making pillows is a quick and easy way to teach your children how to use a sewing machine. If they are over the age of five, they will need minimal help once you show them how to sew a straight line! In this fun project you can teach your children the following:

  • How to cut fabric to size with fabric scissors
  • How to pin fabric pieces together
  • How to sew inner parts of the fabric together
  • How to Sew a Straight Line
  • How to Stuff a Pillow
  • How to Finish off the Pillow with Hand Stitches


If you have a child who loves to help you in the kitchen then making homemade Christmas cookies is a no brainer. Sure, the counters will get a little extra messy and the floors might need an extra mopping but both the finished product and the memories created will be more than worth it! Dig up family cookie recipes or pull a cookbook off the shelves and get baking! Store in a plastic bag or cute Christmas tin and give as gifts to family, friends, and neighbors. Be sure not to forget to leave a dozen in the mailbox for your local mail carrier too!



Looking for a use for all those acrylic paints? Grab a simple white mug from Goodwill or the Dollar Tree and let your kids have at it! Use some Christmas Themed Stencils and a paint brush and you’ll have masterpiece created in no time.



Brighten up old and dull Christmas tree ornaments with some new and shiny glitter. What kid doesn’t love the effect of making a design with glue and pouring glitter over it? Recipients will love this classic, easy, fun and an inexpensive gift!