The world has changed before our very eyes in the last month. My family has been self quarantining for 23 days now because of Covid-19. Just this past Monday our Governor announced a stay at home mandate for all non-essential personnel and business. That means we can’t leave our homes unless we are getting essentials.

This new normal is a huge adjustment. As an adult, I have taken each new rule, mandate, and issue knowing it’s not forever. But my children have struggled. Not so much in fear but in trying to embrace all these regulations and rules. I have also seen them rise to the occasion and become more courageous and strong.

Below, I will share some suggestions to guide you in helping your children cope in this quarantine crisis. That’s what it is. A crisis. Since most of the country is in quarantine as well, we all need a little extra help. These are strange times we are living in and we all need to cope the best way we can.


Helping Children Cope in a Quarantine Crisis:


  1. Read the Bible- showing children what the Bible says about coping in scary situations. My favorite verses right now are John 14:27, Isaiah 41:10, and Deuteronomy 31:8. There is so much to be gleaned from God’s Word about our current situation.
  2. Let them grieve the loss of what used to be- things will definitely get back to normal but it may be a while. Let them grieve the loss of activities, seeing friends, going to church, being with family. Talk them through it and pray with them as they seek comfort.
  3. Start a journal together- I began journaling my way through this whole mess about three weeks ago. I don’t write every day but I do write things we’ve done, news that affects us greatly, and what’s going on around us. My children have written things down as well from their perspective in all this. We may look back one day and want to read how we survived it all.
  4. Let them be bored- being bored isn’t a bad thing. It gets their creative juices flowing. Have them come up with something on their own with their siblings. They will be okay if there is nothing to do.
  5. Allow them to stay connected with family and friends- we’ve had several phone calls and video chats with family and friends. It has helped my boys to not feel so disconnected from everyone. Just hearing a friend’s voice or seeing their face on a screen can be so comforting during a time of isolation. You can laugh together, share a funny story, or reminisce about the good old days of a few weeks ago. Haha.


These are just a few ideas. We are all in this together so if you are ever in need, reach out to someone. Most people are happy to hear from others during this time. Don’t do this alone. Call a friend or family member. Stay connected and let your children stay connected as well. Make memories together and be comforted that we are all going through the same thing right now.