Puzzles have always been a part of our family tradition during the holidays. As soon as they were old enough, the kids would pick a puzzle for the season. We would set up a table surrounded by comfy chairs and start working on a puzzle. Some of us would stand and peek over another’s shoulder looking for that dreaded hard-to-find piece. It was an activity we did that brought us all together. And what an achievement we felt when the assembly was finished! The older the kids grew, the harder the puzzle. Sometimes we would stay up very late because we were so addicted! I have many pictures of our completed masterpieces. Then we always donated the puzzle to a senior center for someone else to enjoy.

We did this activity out of sheer enjoyment. It was a pastime the kids could go to if they had a break during the day. It was a fun activity we all enjoyed together in the evening. When the kids came home during winter breaks, completing a puzzle gave us something to do together during the cold evenings. Even though it was (and still is) a pleasurable activity for our family, I didn’t realize how many benefits there are to assembling a jigsaw puzzle until I began researching.

Here are just a few bonuses you can enjoy as you partake in this wonderful pastime:

Great stress reliever. As a society, we all get so involved in our social media, television, and other distractions, putting together a puzzle gives you an escape from all the technology overload in our lives. Focusing on the puzzle for a length of time gives your brain a break from stressful thoughts and allows you to enjoy a sense of peace.

Uses both sides of your brain. Completing a jigsaw puzzle involves tasks of both logic and creativity; therefore, both sides of the brain are engaged. Think of it as giving yourself your mental workout for the day. Using both sides of your brain enriches your mind and improves your critical thinking skills and attention span.

Improves visual and spatial skills. You need to look at the pieces and manipulate them to fit together. Visual and spatial skills help you tell how far objects are from you and from each other. This ability helps in all walks of life such as physical exercise, reading, and math.

Provides valuable family time. As I mentioned earlier, putting a puzzle together is such a fun activity. Without the distraction of technology, conversation flows automatically, and it is quality time spent with loved ones.

Satisfaction in task completion. When you work on a task and see it to completion, there is always a sense of fulfillment. In fact, I really don’t like to break a completed puzzle apart, especially a 1,000 piece one! If you desire, the finished picture can even be glued together and framed for a special keepsake.

If you are looking to start a new tradition or for a way to have more quality family time, putting together jigsaw puzzles is an excellent option. This activity doesn’t have to be just around the holidays but can also be enjoyed year-round. Not only do you reap the benefits of spending time together, but you also enjoy many other healthy advantages.


~ Gina