The new homeschool year is arriving and parents and lots of excitement is swirling about.  Families are squeezing in the last of the summer days, yet thoughts and intentions will soon be turning back to regular rhythms and routines for the fall. And of course, homeschooling is a part of that!

Now, whether you’re new to homeschooling this year, or if you’ve been at it for quite some time, I want to remind you of one important thing: Embrace the Basics!

Often we can become so distracted by all the various options and methods that we are easily overwhelmed by all the choices. Just one look over someone’s “perfect” Instagram or Pinterest page can send us reeling over a curriculum or a specific style of homeschooling. We feel that we may be missing out on something and so we tell ourselves that we have to have it. Can we say, peer pressure?

We don’t need the latest and greatest in order to successfully homeschool our children. We don’t have to spend inordinate amounts of money on curriculum, supplemental items, memberships and programs in order to say that we know what we are doing in educating our children.

Before getting bogged down with accumulating more stuff, take a moment to consider what you really need to homeschool:

  • Prayer
  • God’s help and wisdom
  • A Bible
  • Foundational education materials:
    • reading, math, writing, history, science
    • anything your state requires you to teach
  • Paper, pencils/pen, crayons/markers

These are the essentials!! Focus on these things first, at an age-appropriate level before you begin to add on any of the flashy things.

Seek the LORD, ask for His wisdom for your family and what your children need. Consider your family’s budget and determine to stick to it. (I know what a blessing it is to my husband when I stay within our homeschooling budget!!) Teach your children from God’s word daily, no matter what else is going on. Read a portion of Scripture daily, work on a memory verse as a family, or even follow a simple catechism so that little ones understand the Faith and truth about God.

From there, nail down what you’ll use for the three R’s and so forth. If you’ve homeschooled in the past and you know what works for your family, don’t change it because someone else switched things up! Keep it steady in your own home. Once the basics have been narrowed down, then you might consider any additional items, according to your need and your budget.

Remember to shop your own shelves first; you may already have just the thing to enrich your school day. Also, don’t neglect simple approaches like a “morning time,” family read-aloud time, singing hymns and songs together, or taking a walk outside to observe the nature around you. Additionally, there are so many FREE online resources that are available for long-term use that you can easily incorporate into your lesson planning. Also many curriculum companies provide online samples of their materials, at least enough for 3 or 4 lessons, so that you can try before you buy. Make use of those resources, mama!

Simple approaches and basic materials can actually be less stressful overall, which is a good way to begin your homeschool year!