There’s much discussion on whether or not homeschooling benefits children. But, how many conversations are based on whether or not homeschooling helps parents? Does homeschooling benefit parents? I think that’s a huge “Yes”!

What are the benefits for parents to homeschool?

Expand your learning

I think many veteran homeschool parents can answer yes to the following questions: How many times have you studied history with your children and said to yourself, “Oh! I didn’t know THAT happened?” Or, while teaching math, “Oh, I get it NOW! I’m not stupid!!!” I’m sure if you are like most homeschool parents, you’ve had many “light bulb” moments yourself! But, when you homeschool your children, you can also learn a second language, discover new skills, or visit a place you’ve only read about when you were a child!

Share your interests

Take this wonderful time to share your interests with your child, whether it’s crafting, music, or academic skills. You’ll both learn and grow in the process!


Your income situation will dictate how much you spend on your homeschool. Whether you buy, borrow, or rent, curriculum choices are plentiful! Think of all the money you’ll save on school clothes, taking off-season vacations, and group discounts!

Schedule freedom

Homeschooling means that you are the author of your family’s days. No marching to the bell schedule at the local public school or making sure the kids are on the bus! You plan your day around what is best for your family, and that includes the best time for learning!


And it’s not just the kids who reap the benefits of homeschooling! Mom and Dad, this is also a season where you can reap the benefits of the homeschool lifestyle! You’ll grow mentally, spiritually, and emotionally alongside your children.

So while most people think homeschooling is just for kids, their parents also reap the benefits. Whether financial, educational, or otherwise, both will build new bridges and grow closer together!


Check out these homeschooling resources at Rainbow Resource Center!