Compared to others, we have a pretty boring life. Because we homeschool, there are many days that we simply do not leave the house. That is SO ok with me and my homebody self. In fact, most of the time, I prefer it.

Running around like a crazy person is not my idea of a fun time. Neither is being a glorified bus driver. My hat is off to all of you who spend more time in the car than at home – I do not know how you do it!

But Wednesdays! Wednesdays are our crazy days.

I have Bible study in the morning, the kids have co-op in the afternoon, and then they have AWANA at church in the evening. It is a miracle we even get school to fit into all that. But food – HA!

That is an even bigger challenge!

And where my crock pot and quick and easy meals come in handy! Not only do I look for something that is easy to throw together, but also fairly quick and easy to eat! Healthy would be nice, but for Wednesdays I will settle for the best we can do.

Since I know there are so many others in the same boat, and sometimes even more days of the week than us, I want to share with you some of our favorite quick crock pot meals for families on the go!


Easy Chicken Nachos

  • 3-4 chicken breasts (I usually throw them in frozen!)
  • 1 bag of frozen corn
  • 1 can of black beans
  • 1 8oz. jar picante sauce


Shred chicken and add 8 oz. of cream cheese and mix to melt.

Serve with chips!

See, I told you, quick and easy! And if you look closely you will notice that we skipped on the beans. Sad but true, because some of my kiddos are not beans lovers and sometimes it is just not worth the whining.

All you need to do is add some fruit and call it good!

Time to hop in the car. Again!