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A country mouse invited his cousin who lived in the city to come visit him. The city mouse was so disappointed with the sparse meal which was nothing more than a few kernels of corn and a couple of dried berries. “My poor cousin,” said the city mouse, “you hardly have anything to eat! I do believe that an ant could eat better! Please do come to the city and visit me, and I will show you such rich feasts, readily available for the taking…”

Aesop’s Fables

When the city mouse visited his cousin in the country, he thought for certain that his cousin would adore the luxurious life of the city, so much more. I can just picture the city mouse walking through his cousin’s property, spending the day foraging for food with his mind daydreaming about the hot turkey, gravy and stuffing he could be feasting on back in the comfort of his own home. When you are used to one way of life, it is hard to appreciate another.

Fast forward to the country mouse’s experience in the city. It was hard for him to appreciate the grandeur of it all since he was constantly fearing for his life with all the dangers that lurked about. The city mouse? He was used to it. It didn’t faze him.

I love raising my family in a rural setting. Gathering chicken eggs from the hen house, growing our own herbs and veggies and endless hours of outdoor play without fear or worry. Yet, this is all they know. Since this is how they are raised I don’t want them to think that rural life is the only way. I certainly don’t want them looking down at others whose upbringing is different than their own.

Chickens on a Farm

Water is the hardest. We love our well water so when we visit friends who are on city water my kids can tell the difference and basically spit it out. They even have commented on how nasty it tastes before. How embarrassing! The irony lies in the fact that when city folk visit our home, they often bring bottled water because the thought of well water grosses them out!

I am determined that my children will not grow up to be close-minded, egotistical homeschooled kids. This past Christmas eve they served a meal and handed out gifts to the homeless in a nearby city. Two years ago their spring break was dedicated to spending time helping friends plant a garden in the inner city of Philadelphia. This was quite an experience and I know it opened their eyes tremendously. I pray that my children can learn to appreciate others they way that they long to be appreciated themselves.


Are you rural as I am? Check out these fun city resources for your kids!

Are your kids of the urban variety? Try these resources to give them a glimpse into the rural life!