Maybe you find yourself needing to go back to work to supplement the family income? Perhaps you’re suddenly a single homeschool parent. Or, maybe you are already working and want to bring your children home to educate them. Whatever the scenario, you may be thinking, can I work and homeschool too?

Happily, in this day and age, you join a growing population of families who homeschool and work outside of the home. As these numbers continue to grow, so do the varied opportunities for alternative schedules to make it all work. Here are a few things to consider putting in place before you take that leap.

First, take a hard look at your work schedule. Is it flexible or fixed? Are you working outside the home, or can you work from home at least in some capacity? What kind of support do you have immediate access to? (Grandparents, close friends, spouse, supportive ex?).

Second, but equally as important, what are the ages and maturity level of your children? This is important not only for appropriate childcare but also will help determine when schooling can take place. A child who can learn independently will adapt to this new schedule easier than one who is still dependent upon the teacher/parent.

Third, get creative on how and when you will school. Learning doesn’t just have to take place between the hours of 8-4 Monday through Friday! The world is your oyster, and so is your schedule! Car schooling, weekend, or evening schooling works just as well!

And last, don’t forget to get involved! There are many co-ops available to support you and your children in homeschooling. Some have volunteer agreements that will need to be worked into your schedule. Using the internet, do a search of the co-ops in your area to get a feel for one that is the right fit for your situation. And, if you can’t find one that works well, consider starting your own with other like-minded parents!

So, whatever your situation, single, married, or new to homeschooling, there is almost always a way to homeschool while working. Get creative, network, and think outside of the box to reach your objective!

Check out the fabulous homeschooling resources at Rainbow Resource Center!