I have reached that point in life where I feel like I’m in the middle–middle age life.  I haven’t reached that blessed older woman status just yet, but I’m definitely not in my 20’s either.  I have lovely strands of silver sprinkled through my crowning glory, as I press my way through life. I’m still reaching for some dreams and goals, albeit a little slower and sometimes achy here and there. I’m in the middle.

After 20 years of marriage, and birthing 8 children into this world, I realize I have so much yet to learn about being a wife and mother.  As my marriage grows deeper and my children grow older, things are still changing. Yet, after 20 years, I’ve been at this sweet blessing of family life for long enough to acquire some wisdom. I have many stories to tell and so much I have learned thus far.

Lately, I’ve had a few younger women who have reached out to me, asking about Biblical womanhood.  They have asked about my experiences with honoring my husband, raising my children, home education and Scriptural guidance.  I often am taken by surprise because I feel like these are the very areas I still look for guidance and encouragement in, too.  Even though I still seek the wisdom of older women in the Body of Christ, I have to realize that I just might be the “older woman” that someone can learn from.

But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things—that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

Titus 2:1-5

The Scripture teaches this beautiful picture of godly women teaching younger women to behave in a manner that is befitting of daughters of God, so that His Word may be revered on the earth. This is often counter-cultural– reverent in behavior, homemakers, obedient to husbands, discreet–the world encourages women to behave opposite of these truths. Even within the Body of Christ, we see many sisters who behave as though they are unaware of these truths.

That is why it is so important to know the truth of God’s Word, and not be afraid to live them out in our lives.  We are witnesses to the Word of God, and are examples of how to glorify Him in what we do.

So we must be ready to equip other women through our own examples and through practical wisdom how to live this truth out in their own lives. Ladies, I encourage you not to shy away from these “Titus 2 Duties”, even if you feel like you’re in the middle, like me.  Do not be afraid to ask of the women older than you—they have a wealth of information and sometimes feel like there aren’t any women who will listen to them.  Be that woman who will listen!  Next, live them out these truths in your own life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Read the Word concerning the behavior of the holy women of old and mirror that.  Finally, avail yourselves to the women of the next generation.  They aren’t looking for perfection, just some practical ways to honor God, love their families, and keep their homes with joyful hearts.

What practical advice can you give to new wives and mothers to help them in their journey of Biblical womanhood? What wisdom have you received from your mother, grandmother, or other woman of God regarding your behavior, your home, or your family? If you have questions concerning Biblical womanhood, please feel free to contact me.