As you wind down the school year and begin to make plans for the next, I want to encourage you to pause and take precious time to weigh the costs of your activities, relationships and associations.

Everything has a cost. Everything we do, every activity we join and even every relationship we keep has a cost. The wise homeschool mom is the one who can order them properly and keep her energies from going into the “red.”

A wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel.
– Proverbs 1:5

I have to admit, this hasn’t been easy for me. Frequently I run full-tilt until a crises of time or energy prevails which forces me to finally seek direction.

How can these situations be prevented?

Beyond God and family, how does a homeschool mom prioritize?

How do you count the cost?

A few weeks ago, I placed it all on the altar. And, I do mean ALL!

Schedules, classes, co-ops, activities, church functions, support groups, reviews and even blogging.

After praying over the list and asking the Lord for guidance, I felt the Holy Spirit prompt me with these questions:

  • Does this glorify God?
  • Does this bring life to the family?
  • Does this encourage?
  • Does this edify?
  • Does this bear good fruit?
  • Does this bring peace?

When praying through the list again with new guidance, there were some activities that were easy to cross off. However, there were a few that I knew God didn’t want me to hang on to. Initially crossing those off the list felt like I was cutting off my arm – OUCH! There were also a few surprises for things that I thought God was going to release me from. Instead of release, He granted me much grace and renewed my vision for that particular activity.

Eventually I did obey, ordering my steps as the Lord desired. I have been amazed at how quickly the feeling of loss has been replaced with joy and even how new opportunities have appeared that line up with this new vision.

I encourage each of you to lay the direction of your homeschool and involvement in activities before the Lord and ask Him to order your steps.

Yielding to His answer may seem difficult at first, but the blessings come as we walk in obedience.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
– Proverbs 3:5-6

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