Deuteronomy 6:5-7 – I would suspect that every homeschool mom has heard this verse referenced as THE homeschool motto or vision verse. While I wholeheartedly agree that this beautiful verse does have significant application to us as parents, I wonder if the busy mom reading this has struggled to apply this verse? No, not the “Talk about it…” command, I think we all do pretty well with that, rather, the “These commands that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.”

“Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:5-7 (NIV)

I would suspect that every homeschool mom has heard this verse referenced as THE homeschool motto or vision verse. While I wholeheartedly agree that this beautiful verse does have significant application to us as parents, I wonder if the busy mom reading this has struggled to apply this verse? No, not the “Talk about it…” command, I think we all do pretty well with that, rather, the “These commands that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.”

When my children were younger, this verse presented the most challenges to me personally. I so desperately needed and wanted to spend time with God but it seemed that if I awakened earlier to have a quiet time, my children would also wake (no matter how quiet I was!) or they would have restless nights and sleep would escape me which made it challenging to get up before them. Other times, I would awaken early (and they would sleep) but my mind would be besieged with thoughts—grocery lists, to-do lists and the like. But the reality is, spending time meditating on God’s Word was my lifeline. I was so thankful when a dear friend shared the struggles she was also having in prioritizing and scheduling a quiet time and together we created a plan to succeed. Here are a few of our ideas that actually worked!

Place a large print Bible in the kitchen. Leave it open to Psalms or Proverbs so you can easily read while preparing meals. For me, I set mine on top of the microwave, next to the stove, and would read through the Psalms as I stirred and sautéed.

Write a special verse (or verses) on an index card and slip it into your pocket. Pull out your note card and meditate on while nursing or rocking the baby. Index cards are an easy way to keep scripture close to you. My friend would write out special verses on index cards and tape to the mirror in her bathroom so she would be sure to read it several times a day.

Listen to an audio version of the Bible. Even our younger children can benefit from this. You can listen to the personal version that your family uses for study or you can download one of the Bibles with sound effects to gain a fresh perspective. Listen at home or in the car. Allow the word of God to be the last thing you hear at bedtime. God’s word will bless and encourage you.

While it is vitally important to be in the Word on a regular basis, you may be in a season of life where it is next to impossible. Give yourself permission to focus on the needs of your family. Thank God for this season of life or the struggles you are experiencing. Recall the Scripture verses you memorized as a child or teenager and meditate on them. As you praise Him and rest in Him, you will be strengthened during this challenging season.

Are there any practical ways you have found to stay in the Word? I would love to hear them! Share them in the comment section. Your encouragement may be just what another homeschool mom needs today.

– Deanne