How do you react when your child asks to help with dinner? Do you cringe at the thought of the extra work, mess and clean-up that is inevitable? Or, do you smile, while pulling up a chair so they can join you in your world?

Spending time with my children in the kitchen has truly become enjoyable for me now that I have chosen to welcome them in. I’ll be the first to admit that it wasn’t easy in the beginning but now I cherish the time that my children and I have working on a delicious meal together! Below are a few of the super easy, go-to recipes that we cook up in our home when we are in a time crunch. They are all so simple that even my children, all under the age of ten, can do most of the work, (with supervision and a little bit of help, of course)!


Banana Bread

2 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 eggs
4 bananas
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup vegetable or coconut oil

Oil loaf pan and preheat oven to 350 degrees. Whisk together dry ingredients. In separate bowl combine the wet ingredients and mix together. Add to the dry ingredients and mix with spoon. Pour mixture into pan and bake for 60 minutes.



1 pound ground beef (or turkey)
2 cans chili beans
1 can diced tomatoes
1 can tomato soup
1 cup frozen corn
1 cup uncooked white rice

Brown beef on a skillet over medium-high heat until cooked through. Combine cooked beef, chili beans, tomatoes and soup in stockpot. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes. While chili is simmering, cook rice according to package directions. After 20 minutes, add corn to the chili. Mix until heated through. Serve over rice.



1 1/2 pounds ground beef (or turkey)
2 cups panko Italian bread crumbs
1/4 cup panko Italian bread crumbs (reserved)
2 eggs

Preheat oven to 350. Mix first 3 ingredients together by hand. Put in loaf pan and top with remaining breadcrumbs. Cook for 90 minutes. Drain fat and serve.


Chicken and Walnut Salad

1 pound chicken breast
1 head of iceberg lettuce
3 ounces cheddar cheese
¼ cup walnuts
1 large tomato
1 green pepper
1 yellow peppers

Bake chicken breast in 375 degrees oven for 35 minutes or until cooked through. Cool and cut them into cubes. Chop remaining ingredients into bite sized pieces. Combine and serve with your favorite dressing.


Boy Scout Eggs

4 eggs
4 pieces of bread
1 tablespoon butter
Salt and pepper

Melt 1 tablespoon butter over medium heat on skillet. Using a small cup, cut a circle out of the center of a piece of the bread. Put bread on skillet and crack egg into hole of the bread on the skillet. Season with salt and pepper. Cook 2 minutes. Flip toast and cook 2 more minutes.