Every year I try to focus on a word. Not just any word. A word that will bring true meaning and positive change to my life. I study this word. Read about it in scripture and pray about it daily. In the past, I have used words like grace, truth, love, and humility.

This year, my focus will be on “Belief”. I have been doing an incredible Bible study about belief and it has really changed me. I am not even halfway through the Bible study and it has been life changing. I am focusing on belief in a biblical sense. Not just believing in God and Jesus. But, believing that what the Bible says IS true. If God said He would do something, then I need to believe it fully.

This doesn’t mean that I don’t believe the Bible. What it means is, I read it and don’t apply it. I know a ton of Bible verses but if I don’t apply them to my daily life, they mean nothing. Believing God’s Word means that I accept it to be true. Unbelief comes from rejecting what God says is true.

I’ve struggled with this for a long time. It has really made my life so much harder by not believing and applying God’s Word. When I read the Bible in the past, I read it with an expectation that things would magically happen for my good. I didn’t have to believe anything in order for those things to happen. God does freely give us grace and salvation. We don’t need to do anything to receive these things. But, we do need to follow His commands and believe in Him and what His Word tells us.

What does God’s Word tell us? It tells us a lot of things such as: He will always meet my genuine needs (Matthew 6:31-33), He will always forgive my sins (1 John 1:9), He is always present with me (Psalm 139:7-12), He is in control of all things (Isaiah 41:10). I could go on and on.

My focus on the word “Belief” this coming year is to better my relationship with the Lord. But, it’s also to better my earthly relationships. No matter how good I live my life, if I don’t live out and believe God’s Word to be 100% true, then I have failed. I will fail at this many times but I will keep trying and keep seeking God’s wisdom and truth even in my unbelief.

Do you have a word for 2020? If so, what is it? If not, pray about it and come up with one that God has led you to focus on. It has helped me so much each year to do this.