Christmas is important every year for our family. We don’t do a lot of the traditional things like Santa and reindeer and all the other made up things. We focus on Jesus and the hope that He brings. This year is a little different because we’ve all been through some very trying times. Some worse than others. We may have lost loved ones or jobs or find ourselves homeschooling when it wasn’t on the radar. This year we all need a little more Jesus in Christmas.

My children know that December 25 is not Jesus’ actual birthday. They know that we choose this day to celebrate His coming to earth and what His life meant to humankind. They also know all about Santa and the real St. Nicholas. I love diving deep into these discussions because it gives my children a foundation on which to build their faith. If it’s all fairy tales and made up stories, they may not believe that Jesus really came to save us.

I have been praying and believe that this year it is more important than ever to celebrate Christmas with a cheerful heart. Although many have been through some very fiery trials, we are here and know who is in control. I always feel a little bit of “magic”, if you will, during the holiday season. It brings people together and helps us to end the year on a joyful note. We all need a little more joy in our lives after the year we’ve had.

Try to do things more purposefully this Christmas season. Look for the good in each day. Set aside time to study the story of Jesus’ birth. Get out your decorations a little bit earlier than usual. Play your favorite Christmas songs and watch your favorite Christmas movies. Be more at peace as you reflect on the past year and look forward to a new one. Although there were many things we wish we could change about the past year, we know that God is in control and He has a plan for it.

Christmas can be a very stressful time for many. Finances can make you feel inadequate to provide for others. A loved one who passed away can bring sorrow to a weary heart. Illness can put a huge damper on any situation. But in it all, there is Jesus. He is with us and cares for us. Our hope is found in Him and we can rest in His care. Knowing and believing that God is in control has given me so much peace over the past months. So many unknowns have caused me to have severe anxiety. After lots of prayer, wise counsel, and bible reading and memorization, my faith is more solid than it ever has been.

I know this is just my experience but the bible tells us to seek first the kingdom of God. When we do this, we can know His will and have peace that surpasses understanding. Christmas is all about peace and hope. We can only find those things in Christ. This Christmas, let go of the negative thoughts and feelings about this year and focus on Jesus and His life and glory. May it bring comfort to the weary soul and joy to the sorrowful.