Most public schools have closed for the rest of the school year. That means most children are now doing all their schooling from home. A lot of parents have chosen to homeschool their children instead of relying on the public school system to send work via online. This is a difficult time but it doesn’t have to be stressful.

Homeschooling can be a lot of fun and it can help your child by giving them an individualized education. There are tons of free, cheap, or even expensive resources out there for those just starting out. Below I will share some practical advice on homeschooling. It isn’t a comprehensive list but it is enough to encourage you and get you through these tough times.


Practical Ways to Begin Homeschooling:


  1. Take time off- not forever, but a couple of weeks. Children need time to grieve the loss of their school year and adjust to their new normal. Let your children just enjoy being home and relaxing for a bit. Have talks with them and spend time getting to know their needs at this time. Let them know you are there for them through this trying time.
  2. Read lots of books- since most libraries are closed right now, get an app for your device that has audio or e-books. Audio books are a great way to have the whole family sit around and relax together. Make a list of books as a family you would like to read and find them electronically.
  3. Go for nature walks- getting outside is not banned at this point. Go for a hike or a bike ride. Bring along a backpack filled with waters, snacks, a journal, and pencils. Draw pictures of any creatures or plants that catch your eye. This is science! Go home and research what you found.
  4. Don’t do it all- you simply can’t. Start off small with reading lots of books and doing the nature walks. Add in some writing and math (there are lots of different curricula out there). Go slow and get into a rhythm. Look up homeschooling blogs for advice and different styles of homeschooling. Find what works for your family.
  5. Try not to get frustrated- homeschooling can feel frustrating at times. Especially if you’ve never done it before. Take it one day at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself or your children. Don’t get burned out trying to do it all either. Just doing a little each day adds up. My children learn a lot more at home because it’s condensed and individualized for them. If your children take a huge interest in a subject, spend time researching and learning more about it. They will be much happier with their new set-up if they are learning about something that they find interesting and fun.


Whatever situation you find yourself in these days, take it one day at a time and enjoy the journey. Be there for them and spend lots of time with them reconnecting. Don’t waste this time worrying about things out of our control. Learn alongside your children and make it fun and exciting by staying calm and joyful.