I know I’m not the only one with comparisonitis. We all have that perfect picture of the ultimate homeschool mom in our mind’s eye. So fun, so carefree, and intelligent, and creative, always bounding in unlimited energy! I’ve often found myself coveting such homeschool moms and even aspired to be this ultimate homeschool mom for my own household.

Fortunately, there are many types of homeschool moms. On my journey, I have met many. The Stressed Out Mom, The On Track Mom, The Running 15 Minutes Late Mom, and The Gotta Do It All Mom, just to name a few. But still, the most sought after is the Ultimate Homeschool Mom.

This mom can do it all. Leaps tall buildings with a single bound, has every hair in place on her own head and her offspring’s, eats nutritiously, packs her family’s week full of fun and adventure. This mom even changes plans for a last-minute field trip without batting an eyelash. As a result, her children have rich experiences, ever-changing days, and just plain fun.

I remember that mom. In fact, I was her for a brief period.

But, things changed. Rather I should say, the season changed. The birth of a rather demanding child and my oldest in middle school, having so many variables in our schedule was doable or productive.

For the first time, I found myself doing a lot of letting go of expectations, desires, and plans in favor of maintaining peace and order. Though it was difficult for my olders to adapt, they eventually got accustomed to the new flow of life. It was definitely a different place!

Just as quickly as that season started, it ended as my oldest moved into high school. The baby got older and a little more agreeable to outings and spur-of-the-moment plans.

While my idea of a fun homeschool mom has changed, The Fun Homeschool Mom has now become The Adaptable Mom. Adaptable Mom works on the flow of the day rather than scheduled events. Adaptable Mom has the freedom to change things up to meet the needs of her family. Adaptable Mom views outings in light of her family unit rather than as a means of entertainment.

Though I may be The “Un-Fun” Mom, I am an Adaptable Mom. And I’m comfortable with that!

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