Let’s talk a little bit about traditions. But let me first start with a little confession.

I am not big into traditions. At all. Call me lazy or just a bad mom, but we tend to change things around a lot and don’t adhere to many traditions. But there are some fun ones out there for homeschooling and IF I was going to be inspired here’s what I would do.

Assign each child a color for the year.

Ok, this one I do, but only recently. Color coding notebooks and school supplies is fun and relatively easy as long as you are smart on your color choice. That’s about where my traditions stop.

Make a special breakfast.

I have seen some moms go all out on this, even taking the children out for a fun breakfast. I love the idea, just never do it.

Take first day of school pictures.

I know, I know, bad on my part, but it doesn’t happen here. I do, however, look at all the cute pictures you all post on Facebook and feel bad for my kids!

Celebrate the 100th day of school.

Yes, I do keep track of what day we are on, but not once have we treated it any differently. Again, I love all of the fun ideas I see online, but the thought of collecting 100 of anything goes against my 34 Days of Clean principles and makes me cringe.

Celebrate the holidays.

OK, we do celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas and Easter but after that, not so much. When I taught preschool I actually gave thought to Valentines Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Presidents Day and such, but now, not so much. I do dream of a theme decorated room and love seeing yours! đŸ˜‰

Take off the child’s birthday.

Yay me! I have been known to do this occasionally. When it fits my schedule well. Again, I love the idea, but the thought of taking off a random day in the middle of the week makes me cringe.

I am sure there are so many more, but for the sake of my pride I will stop. I also want you to still like me! The point is, traditions can be fun and if they fit your family, then have at it. Search popular websites and ask your friends to share their favorite traditions; you are sure to find so many fun and creative ideas!

Enjoy your time, but most importantly, enjoy your kids!