When preconceived ideals meet with reality, many times the result is not pretty. This is my true story of my last venture into the land of homeschool conventions. It was a weekend I had been anticipating forever. After a 4 year absence, I was finally going to our state’s homeschool convention!

I was giddy with excitement.  Visions of grandeur danced in my head. Simply put, I could not wait!  It would be a weekend to remember!

The first night I was scheduled to help out in the Mentoring Moms booth.  I was looking forward to helping and encouraging other moms along this journey!   Friday was to be filled with encouraging messages from Heidi St. John, Zan Tyler and the Fly Lady.  Yes, Friday was to be MY day.  Mine, mine, mine!  Saturday was a girls’ day with just my daughter and I shopping, attending seminars and just being together. In between all the action, at some point I’d be meeting up with another homeschooling mom I had “met” virtually!

Ah, bliss!!

Thursday rolled around.  Shortly after rising, I had to face a very important fact. I had the beginnings of a migraine. That being said, I knew I would not be in any shape to drive the hour to the convention center, walk, stand on my feet and be any source of encouragement.  In other words, Thursday’s plans were off!

Undeterred, I got some extra sleep and woke up early the next morning.

These conventions are notorious for being cold.  Not just a wee bit nippy, but, bone chilling, finger numbing, blue lipped cold.  Wisely, I armed myself with a sweatshirt and a jacket!

For Friday’s day of encouragement, my desired speakers were back to back to back. The first one, I survived in my sweatshirt.  The next, I donned my jacket.  But the last session did me in! Wrapped in my warm garb, I clung to a large steaming cup of Starbucks, pressing it against my numb face.  I’d given up taking notes fearing frost bite.

Grabbing my lunch, I made a beeline outside.  Even in the 90+ degree heat, it was hard to shake the cold.  After some time back in the convention center I tried walking and moving and skipping the majority of presentation. Succumbing to the chill in my bones, I gave up and returned home to some hot tea, a hot bath and a plethora of covers.

The next day was “girls’ day out”.  My daughter was super excited!  I however was apprehensive about the frozen wonders that lay ahead.  Donning long sleeves, pants, socks and tennis shoes, we made our way to the convention hall.

Wandering around the merchant areas, all is well and we are happy as clams. And then, it is time for our first seminar.  Donning a second layer of clothing we venture to our seats. Ironically it is my daughter who is too cold.  I give her my extra jacket and she is warm…and now I begin the terrible plunge into the gnawing sub-arctic cold of the hotel which threatens my fantasy weekend.  It’s difficult to listen to the speaker when all I can think about is how cold I am.  I am uncomfortably cold…so much so that I arrive at a point where I just can’t stand it anymore!

With that, my daughter and I escape to the outside and the 90+ degree heat.  It helps, some, but the bone chilling chill has done its’ job.  I just can’t warm up! We eat lunch and walk around and still we are both chilled without hope of thawing.

We agree to call it a day, go home, warm up and regroup. Arriving home, neither one of us can shake the chill.

I could go on, but let’s just say this definitely will go down as a weekend to remember!

I think rationally I can conclude that conventions in huge hotels with sub-arctic temperatures are out for me from now on. I think it’s best for me in the long run to save. Save gas, save health, and save money and just buy the speaker downloads to listen to from the warmth of my own home!

Do you attend your state’s homeschool convention? What’s your experience?

Check out these convention resources at Rainbow Resource Center!