So, you’ve joined the ranks of homeschooling.  Congratulations!  On this journey there will be many highs and lows.  One thing is for certain, you will not regret taking this time to work with your child and help them grow!   As a veteran homeschool mom, there are some things I wish I would have known as I was starting out.  Here is a list of helpful tips to help you get off on the right foot.

First and foremost, home is not a secondary classroom.  As a homeschooler, you have the freedom to choose curricula, location, and duration of time spent per subject.  It is not expected or advised to copy school at home.

Enjoy learning right alongside your child!  That’s right.  It is not required to be a master at every subject.  Learn and grow and let this excitement turn into a curious pursuit of a given subject.  Please follow rabbit trails!

Don’t feel like you need to homeschool in a bubble or join every homeschooling organization within a 50-mile radius of your home.  No homeschooler is an island.  However, no homeschooler needs to be busy 24/7 either.  Find the groove that is right for your family and interests, and pursue those groups that fit.

Use technology to as a tool for your family’s learning needs.  This will vary from family to family.  Remember that nothing can replace one on one instruction and attention.

For greater learning experiences, inquire about additional activities and classes at local businesses.  The zoo, science center, YMCA, and libraries are all great places to help you expand your child’s world.

Begin each year slow and steady.  Start with the basics and help your kids ease into the year.  Every couple of days, add a subject until you are up to a full schedule.

It doesn’t have to cost big bucks to homeschool.  Many subjects can be found for free on the internet, bought second hand, or borrowed.  And, it isn’t necessary to finish every page of every workbook.  Schools don’t do it.  Neither should you!

Read, read, read.  Read aloud to your children.  And when you are finished, read some more!

Taylor your homeschool schedule to your children and not the other way around.

Much of the frustration and anxiety can be avoided by simply taking a step back and allowing the natural nature of learning to happen.  Incorporating some of these tips will also help you and your children build a long-lasting and happy homeschooling legacy!