Another blessing in learning at home is being able to take those teachable moments that happen everyday and turn them into life lessons in your homeschool. By doing this, we learn to love one another, esteem one another higher than ourselves and keep our focus on the one who made the ultimate sacrifice!

Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another
Romans 12:10

We all do it. At least most adults do. And that’s sacrifice.

Teaching sacrifice to our children is not easy. But the first experiences with sacrifice come from our own modeling. Do we do it happily or begrudgingly? I’m guilty of not always having a good attitude in this area. And, as much as I can take these moments to teach my children during our homeschool hours, I equally need to check my myself and proceed with a servants heart.  Children are watching and learning as well!

We have four children. It’s not so much that the sacrifice comes due to the amount of children, but from the season that child is in.

Sometimes it’s the oldest skipping an activity because the baby HAS to nap.

Sometimes it’s the baby who naps on the go in order for the oldest to have science co-op.

Sometimes it’s the second born having his second choice of classes so his older brother and younger sister can have enrichment activities.

And, it’s also the oldest making leeway for his brother’s amphibian guests parked on his desk — even though they gross him out!

In these sacrifices, my children have the opportunity to learn to minister and love each other in spite of what it may ‘cost’ themselves.

In this small way we remember the One who made the ultimate sacrifice!

Here’s some great materials on sacrifice from Rainbow Resource.