You had wanted to do ALL the things this summer (you know… that long list you made!), creating the perfect family memories. But as golden days keep slipping away like sand through your fingers, a bit of panic sets in. There are still several unchecked boxes remaining on that list and not nearly enough time. How can you make the most of what’s left? It may be easier than you think! Here are some ideas for carving out more of those moments that matter, while ending the summer rested and refreshed. Ok… I know I’m starting off a little bit bold here, BUT…

1. Ditch the devices. (Gulp) Ok, I said it! I know, it’s a hard one to hear… But no one ever looked back and wished they had spent more time on a screen and less time with people, right? Cherished memories are still waiting to be made… face to face, not staring into screens. Technology can be addictive, but setting firm time limits on use, with predictable hours (such as after-dinner) can really help. When screens are off-limits, kids free their minds to think creatively, engage with the world around them, and enjoy life more. Expect some resistance now, but eventually they’ll thank you!

2. Prioritize people over plans and projects. Relationships matter most. Your children will never be this age again… and family, friends, and neighbors won’t always be around. Be intentional. Take advantage of long daylight hours to connect with others, which feeds the soul. Invite those neighbors and friends over, but keep it simple, such as outdoor games and after-dinner dessert (ice cream!). Carve out meaningful family time that’s not frenzied. Ask your kids what they’ve enjoyed this summer and what they’re looking forward to in the new school year. Plan another laid-back adventure or two, and if plans go awry… embrace it! Even if no one comes to the lemonade stand, or it pours on your picnic, precious time spent together is what they’ll remember most.

3. Less is more! Slow down and savor the days. We feel like a failure when we hear, “I’m bored!”, but boredom is the mother of creativity. Plan unstructured time outdoors for your family, with lots of margin in your day. Nature rejuvenates the mind and body. Explore, imagine, create. Think back… what made your summers magical as a child? Wasn’t it the everyday things that grew into an adventure because there was nothing else to do? I fondly remember the little backyard “town” that a neighbor friend and I created with huge appliance boxes. We played for days- until the boxes fell apart! Sometimes we’re too busy or entertained to discover what’s right in front of us. Help your children take time to appreciate the simple things… sit under the stars, climb a tree, observe the bugs, enjoy ripe fruit, camp in a tent, smell the flowers… These inexpensive summer pleasures stay etched in our memories forever.

As summer fades, so does a chapter in the life of your family. Before time slips away, be sure to slow down and enjoy the world around you… then soak up every minute! School supplies will soon fill the aisles, but you’ll look back with gratitude on days well spent, making memories together.

~ Nancie