I meet many homeschooling moms. Some are very confident, and some are convinced they are going to mess all this up! Here are the most common reasons I hear for having homeschool anxiety.


Feeling pressure to choose a preschool curriculum

Honestly, I think some of this is to blame on publishers themselves. In recent years, there has been an incredible push to have a complete curriculum for younger and younger children. This, in turn, has many moms believing that they must start formal education the earlier, the better, so their child doesn’t miss out on anything. The beautiful thing about learning at this age is that everything revolves around play. Engage your children in meaningful play and give them opportunities to do so themselves. Visit the library often. Read to them, do crafts, and play!


Panic over the thought of teaching high school

The beautiful thing about homeschooling is that you don’t have to do it alone! There are many options for high school subjects that you can’t teach or don’t want to teach. Online classes, virtual school, co-ops, independent learning, and dual enrollment are just some of the options available to most homeschoolers. So don’t let the thought of “How I am going to teach XYZ” prevent you from continuing to homeschool during the high school years!


Worry over being too early or too late on certain subjects

If you’re a mom of many, undoubtedly, you had at least one child who read early and one child who read late. The same with learning math facts and so on. The truth is that at about age 10, the learning field levels and kids who were “behind” usually catch up to the kids who were “ahead.” So, this worry is just that – worry.

Instead of worrying about this and that, enjoy the place you and your children are at. Enjoy the process and the journey of homeschooling itself. Be blessed to watch them blossom under your watch and care. These days are short, and this season will be over. Take in every moment and treasure it!


Check out a wide variety of homeschooling resources at Rainbow Resource Center!