Once upon a time, there was a homeschool family of 6 who experienced an awful, terrible, and disastrous day!

It was one of those mornings that you read about in blogs with some awful, terrible and disastrous title to grab your attention.

It was probably one of our worst homeschooling days EVER! Everything that could go wrong did, resulting in one pile up after another.

Tears and fighting over school work, and over chores, and over conflict, and over stuff, and over relationships.

I think we hit every bump in the road that morning, plus made a few new pot holes of our own.

Everyone needed a time-out, including Mommy!

Thinking back over our morning, I grasped to understand why this day was so particularly awful. And though the kids were definitely at their worst, I realized that the heart of the problem had to do with mine. My heart. My heart just wasn’t into it.

Ever since my oldest children started working almost exclusively on their own, thus freeing me up to work exclusively with my younger two, ironically the youngest didn’t have as many hands-on activities and read-alouds as in the past. I fondly remembered our best homeschooling days – those filled with hands-on fun and living books.

Without further prompting, I knew what I needed to do. And that was to teach from my heart.

After a hearty and healthy lunch, I mixed up a double batch of salt dough, grabbed a map of Alaska and a great book, The Year of Miss Agnes. My kids were ecstatic!

After a brief look at Alaskan geography, my kids took to creating their own relief maps while listening to a great book.

The result?

The return of love, tranquility and learning for my children. And for me, the return of a passionate heart for teaching my children.

What began as an awful, terrible and disastrous day ended as wonderful, peaceful, and fulfilling!

Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

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