Homeschooling can be exhausting. You are never away from your children (that’s not a bad thing but it’s also very busy). My kids wake up before me and as soon as they go to bed at night, I go to bed as well. There really is no time to take care of myself.

Recently, I noticed that I never had a moment to even think without someone talking to me or some kind of “event” happening around me. I was becoming grumpy and irritated at every little thing. I realized I needed some time to take care of myself.

After speaking with my husband we came up with a good idea. Since he doesn’t get home until 7pm most nights, I am going to go out every other Saturday morning for a few hours. When we agreed on this, it was like a weight lifted from me. I love being a mom. I love homeschooling. I love being in my home. But, I need a break once in a while. One day when my children are all grown and gone, I will need to figure out what to do with my life. That’s what this time is all about.

Before children, I had interests of my own. I have not pursued those interests in a very long time. I used to love to sew and crochet and read. I still read but it’s mostly books to my kids. Ha! When I have this time alone now, I sit and read at a cafe. It’s wonderful!

Here are some other ways I use my “self care” time:


  1. Have lunch with a friend- I love seeing old friends and having lunch with them once in a while is a great way to say you are still thinking of them. It doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy. Just a simple salad and water.
  2. Go thrift store shopping- I love going to the thrift store. I can find so many good bargains. It’s fun that sometimes you find something and sometimes you don’t.
  3. Peruse the bookstore- most bookstores have a little coffee shop and I grab a book or magazine and sip coffee and read. It has really been relaxing. My mind wanders to far away places as I read amazing stories.
  4. Sit on my porch and read the Bible- sometimes my husband will take the kids away from the house so I can stay home and relax. It’s such a huge blessing to be at home in my lounge clothes and not have to help someone get food or go to the bathroom. It’s a special time with God that is uninterrupted and sweet.
  5. Take a nap- that’s right. I haven’t taken a nap in years. I don’t sleep well at night because of chronic health issues so taking a nap once in a while is such a treat.

These are just a few ideas to get your started with self care. Taking care of yourself is important because we can get burned out and exhausted in life. I love everything about my life but I need time once in a while to think, read, and just be alone with God. It’s helped my attitude so much. It’s also improved my relationships with my children. They want a happy mama and a rested mama. Self care is important to me so I can be these things for my kids.