Well, the summer schedule is officially over, and we have moved on to our regular schooling schedule. This was our first week back and it has been full and interesting.

The kids have been excited all week and have been putting forth great effort. I have been busy trying to keep up with our new schedule and making sure I don’t fall behind in the logistics: checking work, filing papers, creating lists, and preparing for the next day.

I must say that each day has not gone exactly as I’ve planned and I am learning that is okay. There are 2 bits of wisdom that I have purposed to begin the school year with:

1. Feel free to chose motherhood first. Life happens right in the middle of our schooling ALL. OF. THE. TIME. Although my children need to be well-educated, they also need correction, training, love, cleaning, nurturing. . . and the list goes on. So, when a dirty diaper, cranky toddler, or poor attitude interrupts our school plans, I choose being a mom. And I’m learning to make that choice freely, without hesitation, without frustration that our school day isn’t going as planned, and without worry that we’re going to fall behind. I’m not perfect at it yet, but I am intentional about applying it.

Read the Full Article on No Idle Bread

Article: School Days: My Two-Step Approach by Stacie L.