Summer is over, the leaves have turned into a beautiful display of red, orange, and brown. The permeating smell of pumpkin spice everything is in the air.  There’s also the smell of change. Historically, after the fall harvest, the remainder of fall is a time of reflection. It’s a time to consider all that has transpired through the year and to prepare for the remaining months of the present year.

As the trees surrender their leaves in preparation for the coming winter, it is good for homeschool moms to surrender any areas that they have held too tightly. Perhaps a decision in participation in extracurricular activities, or a relationship that is not beneficial to the unity of the family, a wayward child, or a teaching method.  In this time of reflection, each of these areas should be brought before the Lord.

I’ve always felt that during this time of reflection, I was made aware of places where I needed to ask for help, where I needed to bow out, and where I needed to step up. This time of reflection was invaluable to my family’s homeschool journey. It was during this time of slowing down to seek the Lord that I was able to fine-tune our schooling and ultimately create a better learning and home environment for everyone.

While Autumn is a good time to focus on your commitment to the Lord, the Bible has something interesting to say about this season. In Jeremiah 8:20 we read, “The harvest is finished, the summer is over, and we are not saved.” Whether this is taken literally or metaphorically, it is the perfect season to reflect and build a relationship with Jesus!  I encourage each of you to make a commitment to Jesus to follow Him all the days of your life.  This is one reflection you will never regret!

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