I’m sure I’m not the only homeschooling mom that’s been told by a non-homeschooling mom, “I don’t see how you can do it! I’m just not patient enough to homeschool!”

And my immediate thought is, “What makes you think I’m patient enough?!” Clearly this dear woman hasn’t heard my “gruffy voice,” as my kids call it, when things aren’t going according to plan.

Somewhere out there in Mommy-land, non-homeschooling mothers automatically assume that homeschooling moms have be endowed with some supernatural host of powers, including an ever-flowing, overflowing cup of patience, that not only allows them to stay at home with their own children, but educate them, too!

News flash: there are no super powers–except the power of God.

The truth is homeschooling moms are moms first, which means we are human, too. We love our children dearly but some days they drive us up the wall. We don’t have it together all the time, our babies wake up a bazillion times each night, too and we’d rather not have to unclog toilets while drilling math facts. We are also trying to be the best wives, mothers, and homeschool teachers, while balancing homemaking, cooking dinner, running errands, nap times, school work, volunteering, date night, and on and on.

So what’s the secret? Why are we wild enough to want to be with our kids all day, every day?

Well, I’ll speak for myself and say. . .

It’s the power of God that enables me to remain committed. Plain and simple.

You see on this Christian journey, we are to develop patience, let it grow and mature.

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”
-James 1:2-5

This suggests that none of us are just given all the patience we need up front. It is something that must be cultivated, that we need the Holy Spirit to work within (Galatians 5:22). And let me tell you, being at home and teaching all of my children is certainly an opportunity for just that.

So for the mom who will allow her faith to be tried, stretched and tested by staying at home and teaching her children, the reward is a bit more patience coupled with wisdom. Nope, it doesn’t come easy, but the fruit it produces makes the work worth doing.

I realize that one day the baby will sleep through the night and nursing sessions will end. One day my little one won’t need help with getting dressed or letters. I know that one day my child will take over reading the stories and math facts will be memorized. They’ll go on to writing term papers and higher learning and beyond. As the old saying goes: the days are long, but years are short. Homeschooling and time just spent together allows you the chance to seize every opportunity with your children and make the most of it.

So, to the mamas out there who are considering homeschooling but feel you don’t have what it takes–I’m here to tell you that all you need is a willing heart. Know that God has called you Mother and will give you everything you need to raise your children up before Him, including educating them at home. You can do this.

Don’t worry about having enough patience. It will come.