Every year we all do it. We make New Year’s resolutions that we simply can’t accomplish. Whether it be lose weight (I’ve tried many times and failed) or use less technology (fat chance in this day and age). We have all made these resolutions with good intentions and wanting to better ourselves or our relationships.

I thought long and hard about how I want 2019 to look for my life and my family. I want it to be more about Christ and showing His love than me. I want it to be more about others and caring for their needs than my own. I want 2019 to be a year that my family makes lots of memories and makes lots of good choices.

My New Year’s Resolution for 2019 is to be present. I want to be in every moment with my children and not distracted by my phone or family drama. I want to do things together and make the bonds of family stronger with my children. I want them to have lasting memories of us just being together and me being present.

This may look different for every family. For mine it will look like hikes at the state park, bike rides down the street together, going fishing down at the river, saying yes to ice cream on a hot summer afternoon, camping out in the living room as a family, and reading lots of great books aloud. It will also look like fun library trips in the middle of the week and having a once-a-month date night with mommy. I used to do that years ago but stopped for several reasons. I think it’s time to start back up again.

I want to be with my family and have them remember me as someone who really paid attention to them and listened to them. I want to show the love of Christ by giving my children and husband the attention they need. I feel called to step up my homemaking game and kick my mothering into high gear in 2019. So I am going to do just that. Give more of myself to my family and have less distractions when I’m with them.