Being the mother to all boys is such a blessing. They bring so much joy to my life. With that joy also comes chaos. They are rough, adventurous, silly, loud, and hardly ever sit still. I was the opposite of that as a child. I loved sitting quietly reading books, playing dolls, swinging, or playing with my sisters (I am the middle of three sisters and have three younger brothers too).

As my boys are growing into young men, they have been coming to me more often about serious issues. They go to their daddy too but mostly me since I am with them the most. Just recently, my oldest son (who will be 12 in about 2 months) has had some health issues. He is doing fine, but these issues were keeping him up at night. I am the one my boys want in the middle of the night so I get up with him to comfort him and keep him company.

When my son doesn’t feel too sick from his health issues and it’s the middle of the night, we talk. He asks me questions about the books I am reading, TV shows I like to watch, what it was like when I was a little girl, and so on. I can’t tell you how much these conversations have meant to me. They have breathed life into my soul these past months.

I feel like I have gotten to know my son in a whole new way. He has expressed feelings I never knew he had. He has told me about his thoughts and different ideas he has about life. It has really been a huge blessing. Some of the things we discuss are very serious and some are silly. We have laughed and cried. I’ve also just held him while he tells me how afraid he is of his illnesses. We have prayed and read the Bible to bring comfort to ourselves. We have bonded and become friends as well as mother and son.

These late night conversations have opened up a new trust in our relationship. He knows he can come to me with anything and I will listen and pray. I knew this time would come when raising children, but I didn’t know it would come this soon. He still seems so little to me. But, all of my boys will grow into men one day and I am very glad that I get to be a witness to it. I will always cherish these sweet conversations with my son. I hope and pray that my other two sons do the same and feel comfortable sharing with me as well.