We all have choices to make in life. Some of our choices have made us very happy and some have made us wish we could go back in time and change them. Hopefully we have learned from the less prudent decisions we have made. When we have children, there is a strong desire to teach them to be wise and not make some of the same mistakes we have made. Ultimately, as our kids become adults, they will have to make many important decisions. As parents, we have the opportunity to invest in our children, teaching them wisdom and good judgment. Here are some good reminders to think about as you go through the busyness of raising your precious flock.

Teach them to have good thoughts. Romans 12:2 NIV says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.” What your kids are exposed to and how you live your life will impact their choices and thought process. Monitoring their exposure to social media will help keep their “thinking” healthy. When we are inundated with unhealthy content each day, we don’t realize the negative effect it has on our souls. This should not be taken lightly. Believe it or not, the choices we make can rewire our brain. We have a decision every day to catch our negative, toxic thoughts and turn them into positive ones. Take time this summer to get away from the media and enjoy nature and the great outdoors.

Be an example. Raising children will most certainly bring out your true self. Children can see through a facade. So let them see the fruits of the spirit in you. Let them see God’s mercy and your true joy shine even amidst adversity and conflict that we all experience at one time or another. When you mess up, let them see how you handle it gracefully. Talk about how God is working in your life and others’ lives. Teach them to fear the Lord. Psalm 111:10 NIV says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.” True wisdom is revering God and following His commands. Encourage them to seek after truth. This is truly passing on things that matter most.

Cheer them on. This encouragement is not only through words alone but also entrusting them with responsibility. This is showing them you believe in their abilities as you teach them new things. Learning to develop new skills will give them confidence. As they get older, take time to listen to their hopes and dreams as they are figuring out their future. Always maintain that fellowship with them.

Let Go. Finally, when your children are reaching adulthood and are ready to step into the next season of life, let them go with your blessing. It can be scary to see your child become independent and leave the house as they experience making adult decisions without your influence. Keep in mind you have taught them well and they have developed a wisdom of their own.

The years of childrearing might seem super busy and tiring, but they go by incredibly fast. It is the most important thing you will ever do, and you will never regret investing quality time and energy into them. ~ Gina