Growing up, I was familiar with many passages of Scripture, and some of them I could quote. The problem was, I couldn’t tell you exactly where it was found. I was great at flipping through the book of the Bible I thought it was in, or using that trusty, old concordance in the back!

“Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” -Psalm 119:11 (NKJV)

Scripture memory is important in the life of a believer, as noted in the verse above, keeping us from sin. The idea of intentionally learning and memorizing Scipture is something that I have taken on with my children since we’ve been homeschooling. Growing up, I was familiar with many passages of Scripture, and some of them I could quote. The problem was, I couldn’t tell you exactly where it was found. I was great at flipping through the book of the Bible I thought it was in, or using that trusty, old concordance in the back! (Am I alone on this or can anyone else relate?!)

However, I want my children to know God’s Word and know it well. I want to be better at knowing God’s Word for my own walk with Christ, and so I can lead my chilren in what matters most.

Read the Full Article on No Idle Bread

Article: How We Do Scripture Memory (and Why) by Stacie S.