It’s rough when things that happen at night throw us off the next day. Maybe it’s the baby who was up all night or a toddler who isn’t fond of their new bed. Perhaps it’s trouble with a pre-teen or issues with the other adults in your household. Whatever the case, as moms, we know the importance of rebounding and setting ourselves up to have the best day possible!

Sometimes, however, resetting our day with little to no sleep is not achievable. In my experience, there’s no one way to get it right. So here are some tips to help you when your homeschool day starts on the wrong foot!

Wait to tackle anything complicated, taxing, or emotionally charged. If you aren’t at your best, you are setting yourself up for failure. If you can, reschedule or ask for another time to deal with a particular situation. If it can’t be rescheduled or the other party is unwilling to postpone, try to explain your case calmly and why it would be better not to sort a particular mess out right at this moment.

Ease up on your schedule but don’t throw it out of the window completely. I’ve found that most kids thrive on a level of predictability. While a few tweaks and adjustments are ok, giving everyone free rein to do whatever they want usually results in anarchy. Instead of bypassing certain subjects, try reallocating them to a different form. For example, a game, video, or audiobook on a particular subject would suffice and give you a break and structure. It’s a win-win!

So while bad days come and go, it’s the overall climate of your homeschool that will determine its success. Don’t let a bad day derail your homeschool completely! Concentrate on taking care of yourself and your children’s needs first, and then the academics will follow naturally.


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