A reader recently emailed me and asked for my suggestions to help convince her husband that their children should be homeschooled. She mentioned that his concerns included finances, as well as the academic and social shortcomings that he perceived with regards to homeschooling.

Thanks for writing. My husband was resistant to homeschooling, at first, too. I’m good at making grandiose plans, but not so good on follow-through. He was worried about that and my oldest wanted to go to “big school.” Because of the combination of those things, she went to public school for Kindergarten and first grade. By the end of first grade, my husband and I were both convinced that we needed to give homeschooling a try. My daughter was struggling with reading, staying after school for tutoring and still bringing home no less than two hours’ worth of homework every night. In first grade.

I believe that, if God is leading you to homeschool, He will open the doors for you. He changed my husband’s heart. He even changed my mom’s heart.

Read the Full Article on Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers